Ephemeral CUZine in the works
Greetings, fellow citizens and artisans of MICRO-FILM Country! Despite the dearth of material posted during these Midwestern dog days, C-U Blogfidential is hardly barren of things to discuss in terms of the movies of Champaign, Urbana, and the cities beyond! We have been quietly plotting that which will involve our various film-news outlets over the next several months, including the sorely-missed MICRO-FILM which officially hits a double-digit age come October 29, as well as observing developments in multiple camps regarding a steady brew of local cinema mayhem. Don’t blink as all the news fit to post starts materializing on CUBlog in a much more timely matter beginning next week!
As far as the physical realm, we will soon reveal what is happening with MICRO-FILM, but in the immediate future none other than C-U Confidential will return to keep things interesting! Instead of directly following suit with the first three issues that have materialized annually during “Ebertfest,” this issue will stand alone as a time capsule of area film activity gone by and largely forgotten except by the few, the proud, and the justifiably hip. We’re still ironing out the details, including the final content and a street date, but we will divulge that the new CUZine will serve as our 10th anniversary release instead of MICRO-FILM 8, although MF will play a significant role in what unfolds within those pages.
Intrigued? Make sure you’re on our Mailing List to receive all the in-house updates and write us if you’d like to be the first to receive our advertising rates when we make them available! We will also be introducing during the fall and winter additional ways that you can use to follow our adventures, so look for those revelations as we go.
Thanks for your continued readership. Now, go make movies!
~ Jason Pankoke