IOW: Day of the “Drinking” dead

The headline says it all. As does this video:

Posted yesterday for Halloween by the fine purple-fingered folks at Sleepy Creek Films, semi-maybe-official subsidiary of Sleepy Creek Vineyards in Fairmount and brainchild of Joe Taylor, UP THE CREEK Episode 7 combines allusions to a certain hit television show with humorous misdirection courtesy the series’ playfully dysfunctional co-workers. In “The Drinking Dead,” conspiracy-obsessed groundskeeper Major Tom (Mike Trippiedi) and the highly impressionable layabout Rusty (Bill Kephart) believe a zombie invasion is a-comin’ based on radio reports, so they head back to the winery for shelter. Unfortunately, they’re on a collision course with several others including general manager Grant (Mike Boedicker), publicist Veroniqua (Julia Megan Sullivan), and vinter Antonio (Matt Hester)!

Launched in 2011, this homegrown Web series also stars Tim Meyers, Thomas Nicol, and Kayla Johnson and has guest-starred Gary Ambler, Malia Andrus, Leslie Boedicker, Peter Davis, Charlyn Hester, and country singer Steve Poltz. You can find UP THE CREEK videos on for the viewing; we hear they go well with a glass of wine but not dirty bungholes.

Look it up. We’re not joking.

~ Jason Pankoke

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