Illini Film & Video meets Jan. 18
The Illini Film & Video club at the University of Illinois will resume meetings for the 2011-12 academic year on yet another new night and time beginning this Wednesday, January 18, 6 p.m., in Room 108 of the English Building, 608 S. Wright St., Champaign. These meetings not only allow interested members of the student body to learn about and get involved in film-making projects, fund-raising events, and volunteer or paid job opportunities outside of IFV, but may provide ultimate peace-of-mind leading up to the end of the world as prophesized on their Web site.
In this past weekend’s e-mail blast from IFV president Adam Dreyfuss, he details “important news and events in the upcoming semester” including the impending “Ebertfest,” a road trip to the Normal Theater, and production of the club film SNOWBOUND requiring “all hands on deck for crew.” If you want action, UIUC student body, it sounds like Illini Film & Video will provide!
~ Jason Pankoke