Book your CU99 ad by Oct. 5!
Feeling a tad of déjà vu? It’s because we originally slated our C-U Confidential ’99 special for release two years ago on the official 10th anniversary of Secret MICRO-FILM Headquarters activity. That didn’t pan out so we’re trying again, actively pushing CU99 through the production paces as we speak! (Well, okay, as we write…) November is our target month for bestowing this pulp flashback upon our dearest readers, so it’s high time to ask returning and brand-new clients to help temper the costs by purchasing space in our pages to promote their film, television, media, and performing arts related businesses! Download the standard or “short form” rate cards right now for all the details you’ll need to make an informed purchase.
Unlike recent CUZines, which we strategically placed for free in hot spots around Champaign, Urbana, and the cities beyond, CU99 is a specialized title that will be offered for sale on the shelves of local merchants and in the inventories of mail-order catalogs, reaching a more discerning audience in search of the culturally offbeat. Also unlike recent CUZines, the content of CU99 is retrospective which means ad placement is the one sure way for current goods and services to appear in this issue! (Artwork can look like it was designed circa 2011, unless you’re up for a good aesthetic challenge.) We look forward to hearing from everyone willing to support this creative tangent in Confidential print media!
One last tidbit for the moment – your drop-dead deadline for submitting artwork and payment is Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 5 p.m. CST. We apologize for the short window of opportunity, but otherwise thank you in advance!
~ Jason Pankoke