CMM meets Tuesday, Sept. 15
Champaign Movie Makers meets at least once a month to afford area filmmakers and talent an opportunity to discuss and join forces on the making of independent cinema in the area. If you are interested in being more “in the loop” if not directly involved with CMM-related productions, please visit and join their Yahoo! Group.
The next meeting will take place tonight, Tuesday, September 15, 7 p.m., in the Lucy Ellis Lounge (Room 1080) of the Foreign Language Building, 707 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL, on the Main Quad of the University of Illinois. Undergraduates Andrew Stengele and Andrew Nygard will lead a presentation on the UIUC student filmmaking club, Illini Film & Video; additional topics will include Johnny Robinson‘s sound recording workshop on Sunday, September 20.
Contact Johnny Robinson at johnny [at] johnnyrobinson [dot] com or Bill Kephart at billkephart [at] juno [dot] com for further information about Champaign Movie Makers. Also, watch C-U Blogfidential next week for our exclusive story on the CMM “one-day shoot,” QUAINT.
~ Jason Pankoke