Archive for the 'Media Coverage' Category

Talks about our first talking film

Monday, July 1st, 2013

Fresh links lead us to consider once again the sound-on-film technology developed by Joseph Tykocinski-Tykociner nearly a century ago, especially since the fruits of his labor are finally available for study.

C-U Film Leader: 6.27.2013

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

In this edition of C-U Blogfidential’s all-purpose column, “The C-U Film Leader,” we talk about THE GARDEN OF CHLOE auditions, the passing of Gary Gardner, on-line Pens to Lens videos, the Avon Theatre’s new little sister, and film contests galore!

No vacay for B-N movie-makers

Saturday, June 1st, 2013

This may not constitute a “scene” as we’ve been experiencing lately in the C-U, but at the least WE HAD THIS BAND and THE GRAVEYARD MENACE bring some fresh filmmaking blood to Bloomington-Normal!

Events we RIYL DIY filmmaking

Thursday, May 30th, 2013

Once again, we feel behind the times in our own reporting niche but that will not stop us from encouraging you last-minute to support Urbana Basement Sessions, engage in “Dinner and Bikes,” and revel in the success of Pens to Lens!

Stanley fetes local flix on SmiPo

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

To be honest, we’ve always hedged at the thought of awarding our own annual “Oscars” to the significant movie achievers of Champaign-Urbana for the sake of film scene parity. Smile Politely has now beat us to that punch, thank you.

IOW: Ebert clips to air on WILL

Thursday, April 18th, 2013

From the “Images of the Week” Dept.: WILL-TV 12 will air a compilation of clips featuring the late Roger Ebert, EBERT REMEMBERED, later tonight, Thursday, April 18, 2013, at 8 p.m. Also, take a look at Shatterglass Studios videos about Ebertfest and the Virginia Theatre!

CMM is ART NOW!, gathering at 7

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

Champaign Movie Makers, a group dedicated to fostering independent and personal filmmaking in the Champaign-Urbana area, will next meet at SoDo Theatre in downtown Champaign, IL, on Tuesday, March 19, 2013. They also earned an appearance on UPTV!

IOW: ART NOW! talks NAFF ‘13

Saturday, March 16th, 2013

From the “Images of the Week” Dept.: The fourth annual New Art Film Festival serves as the primary subject matter for the new episode of ART NOW! which first aired on Urbana Public Television this past Monday, March 11, 2013. Experience it right here or find out when it next appears on UPTV!

C-U Film Leader: 11.29.2012

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

In this edition of C-U Blogfidential’s NEW all-purpose column, “The C-U Film Leader,” we talk about the SCARY NORMAL premiere, a Mike Boedicker profile, Richard J. Leskosky thoughts on film in C-U, and the new QuantumCat Animation ‘blog!

O! Wherefore art thou, Rialto?

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

In the second helping of our brain-food-for-thought regarding the survival of local movie theaters, we conjure the ghosts of brick-and-mortar cinemas past complete with a visual ode to downtown Champaign’s former Rialto Theater.

Upgrade to deter non-Art films?

Monday, November 12th, 2012

Seemingly, we’re unable to escape the topic of local movie theaters potentially biting the dust if they can’t afford the highly expensive projection equipment necessary to show movies offered only as digital files. Here is the first of two fresh ruminations about it.

Get horror, freaky C-U fiends!

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

We want YOU to provide the cinematic BOO in the C-U tonight! Read on to find out how right here on C-U Ghoulfidential!

Vampire Abe, SP endorse CUZine

Saturday, June 30th, 2012

Alternative media meets alternative media for a second go-round as the fine folks at Smile Politely allow your humble editor to profess a few things, confess a few other things, and otherwise lay down the skinny on C-U Confidential. Are you game to partake?

Lukemans score CIB sweet spot

Monday, February 20th, 2012

So, the News-Gazette beat us to the punch and featured local filmmakers Anne and Chris Lukeman on the cover of their Central Illinois Business magazine. We’ll let it slide. This time. Bwa to the ha ha!

C-U Biz-en-scène: 02.08.2012

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

In this edition of C-U Blogfidential’s all-purpose column, “C-U Biz-en-scène,” we report first news of two short film projects, preview the Big Muddy and Insect Fear Film festivals, note entertainment media mentions of area college alums, and more!